Naruto is a popular Japanese manga series, written and illustrated by Masashi Kishimoto, that first debuted in 1999. The manga follows the adventures of Naruto Uzumaki, a young ninja who dreams of becoming the Hokage, the leader of his village. In the manga, Naruto is joined by his teammates Sakura Haruno and Sasuke Uchiha, and together they strive to protect the world from powerful and dangerous enemies. The manga has been adapted into an anime series and several movies, as well as trading card games and video games.
The Chorus of Naruto OP 2
The second opening theme for the Naruto anime series is "Haruka Kanata" (or "Far Away" in English). The song was performed by Asian Kung-Fu Generation and was featured in the anime from episodes 27 to 53. The song's chorus is instantly recognizable and beloved by fans of the series:
"Haruka kanata, sora wa takaku, kaze wa utau, hikari no mukou, eien ni kienai, kimi no yume."
Translated to English, this chorus means:
"Far away, the sky is high, the wind sings, beyond the light, your dream will never disappear, eternity."
The Meaning Behind the Lyrics
The meaning behind the lyrics of the chorus of "Haruka Kanata" is very clear. The chorus speaks of a far-reaching dream that will never die, and of the courage and strength to reach for it. The lyrics are a reference to the struggles of Naruto and his friends as they work to protect the world from powerful enemies. It is a reminder that no matter how difficult the journey, one must never give up on their dreams. It is a message of hope and perseverance that resonates with viewers of the show.
The Music of Naruto OP 2
The music of "Haruka Kanata" is also very memorable. The song is a fast-paced rock song, with a driving guitar riff and a catchy chorus. The lyrics are sung in a passionate and urgent way, and the music conveys a sense of excitement and determination. The song is a perfect complement to the action and drama of the anime.
The Impact of Naruto OP 2
The impact of "Haruka Kanata" on the series is undeniable. The song has become a fan-favorite, and it is often seen used at anime conventions and fan events. The song is also featured in the opening ceremonies of the annual Naruto World Cup, a competition held among the top players of the game. The song has even been covered by popular J-pop artists, such as KOTOKO and IOSYS.
The Legacy of Naruto OP 2
The legacy of "Haruka Kanata" is that of a powerful and inspiring anthem. The song is a reminder of the strength and courage of Naruto and his friends, and of the importance of never giving up on one's dreams. The song has become a beloved part of the Naruto franchise, and it is sure to remain so for many years to come.
Where to Find the Lyrics
The lyrics to "Haruka Kanata" are available online in both English and Japanese. The song can be found on YouTube, as well as various streaming services such as Spotify and Apple Music. The song can also be purchased on iTunes and other digital music stores.
The lyrics of "Haruka Kanata" are a powerful reminder of the strength and courage of Naruto and his friends. The song has become a beloved part of the Naruto franchise, and its legacy is sure to live on for many years to come. The song is a reminder to never give up on one's dreams, no matter how difficult the journey may be.
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