Naruto Uzumaki is a fictional character and the protagonist of the Japanese manga and anime series Naruto. He is the modern reincarnation of an ancient fox spirit known as the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox or Kurama. The series follows Naruto's adventures as he strives to become the Hokage, the leader of his village. Kurama, meanwhile, is a powerful demon fox that was sealed within Naruto at a young age. Over the course of the series, Naruto and Kurama form a bond of friendship. In this article, we'll take a look at when Naruto and Kurama become friends.
Naruto and Kurama: The Early Stages of Their Friendship
When Naruto was first sealed with Kurama, the two were far from friends. In fact, Kurama wanted nothing more than to use Naruto's body as a vessel for its own power. As such, it would often attack Naruto in an attempt to break free from its prison. However, Naruto refused to give up and, despite Kurama's attempts to break him, he eventually won the beast's trust.
The Turning Point in Naruto and Kurama's Relationship
Naruto and Kurama's relationship took a major turn when Naruto was forced to join the Fourth Shinobi World War. During the war, Naruto was forced to face off against some of the most powerful villains in the series. However, it was during this time that Kurama truly began to understand and appreciate the strength of Naruto's will. As he fought against the odds and refused to give in, Kurama began to realize that Naruto was not just a vessel for its own power, but a worthy opponent.
The Final Steps Towards Friendship
The final steps towards friendship occurred after Naruto was forced to fight against the powerful Madara Uchiha. During the fight, Naruto was able to unlock the hidden power of the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox. This power allowed him to stand toe-to-toe with Madara and, eventually, gain the upper hand. As a result, Kurama began to understand the strength of Naruto's will and was finally able to accept him as a true friend.
The Episodes Where Naruto and Kurama Become Friends
The episodes where Naruto and Kurama become friends are the following: Episode 322, where Naruto unlocks the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox's power; Episode 323, where Naruto and Kurama finally come to an understanding; and Episode 324, where Naruto and Kurama become true friends.
In conclusion, Naruto and Kurama become friends in the episodes 322, 323, and 324. The two have gone through a long journey to get to this point, but their friendship is now stronger than ever. Naruto's determination and strength of will have allowed him to gain the trust of the powerful Nine-Tailed Demon Fox and, in turn, gain a powerful ally.
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